Freedom of Association / Assembly
A.O. Falun Dafa and others v. Moldova
A.R.M. Chappell v. United Kindgom
Administrative Centre of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia and Kalin v. Russia
Alabay and Güzel v. Turkey
Alekseyev and 50 other applications v. Russia
Alekseyev v. Russia
Altınkaynak and Others v. Turkey
Arabadjiev and Stavrev v. Bulgaria
Asociaţia Mişcarea de Integrare Spirituală în Absolut v. Romania
Association for Solidarity with Jehovah Witnesses and Others v. Turkey
Association Solidarité des Français v. France
Ayse Yüksel and Others v. Turkey
Bağ v. Turkey
Bektashi Community and Others v. Macedonia (FYROM)
Belcacemi and Oussar v. Belgium
Belgiorno and 22 Others v. Italy
Boychev and Others v. Bulgaria
Brega and Others v. Moldova
Bryansk and Tula Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Free Church v. Russia
Cârmuirea Spirituală a Musulmanilor din Republica Moldova v. Moldova
Christian Religious Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the NKR v. Armenia
Christians against Racism and Fascism v. the United Kingdom
Chrysostomos II v. Turkey - Admissibility Decision
Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg and Others v. Russia
Cisse v. France
Çoban v. Turkey
Dicle for the Democratic Part of Turkey (DEP) v. Turkey
Dimitrova v. Bulgaria
Église Orthodoxe Indépendente and Zahariev v. Bulgarie
Freedom and Democracy Party (ÖZDEP) v. Turkey
Genderdoc-M v. Moldova
Genov v. Bulgaria
Gerçel v. Turkey
Glazov LRO and others v. Russia
Gldani Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
Grande Oriente d`Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani (No. 2) v. Italy
Gülter v. Turkey
Güzel v. Turkey (No. 2)
HADEP and Demir v. Turkey
Herrmann v. Germany
Hizb Ut-Tahrir and Others v. Germany
Identoba and Others v. Georgia
Islam-Ittihad Association and Others v. Azerbaijan
İzgi c. Turquie
Juma Mosque Congregation and Others v. Azerbaijan
Karaahmed v. Bulgaria
Kasymakhunov and Saybatalov v. Russia
Khristiansko Sdruzhenie
Kimlya, Sultanov, and the Church of Scientology of Niznekamsk v. Russia
Krishna Consciousness Societies in Russia and Frolov v. Russia
Krupko and Others v. Russia
Lajda and Others v. Czech Republic
Lashmankin and Others v. Russia
Lyublino Local Church of Evangelical Christians and Fedichkin v. Russia
Maestri v. Italy
Magyar Keresztény Mennonita Egyház and Others v. Hungary
Makhmudov v. Russia
Mergen and Others v. Turkey
Meriçli v. Turkey
Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Moldova
Milshteyn v. Russia
Mouvement Raëlien Suisse v. Switzerland
National Turkish Union and Kungyun v. Bulgaria
Office Culturel de Cluny v. France
Öllinger v. Austria
Orthodox Ohrid Archidiocese v. Macedonia
Ossewaarde v. Russia
Ouranio Toxo and Others v. Greece
Özbek and Others v. Turkey
Pendragon v. United Kingdom
Pentidis and Others v. Greece
Perelman v. Germany
Redfearn v. United Kingdom
Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey
Religious Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses v. Azerbaijan
S.A.S. v. France
Sadak and Others v. Turkey (No. 2)
Şefika Köse and 93 Others v. Turkey
Sidiropoulos and Others v. Greece
Siebenhaar v. Germany
Sigurdur A. Sigurjónsson v. Iceland
Sindicatul "Păstorul cel Bun" v. Romania
Skiba v. Poland
Socialist Party and Others v. Turkey
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij v. Netherlands
Stavropigijalen Manastir 'Sveti Jovan Zlatoust' and the Church of Real Orthodox Christians and Kiril
Stomakhin v. Russia
Taganrog LRO and 21 other applications v. Russia
Tanyar and Küçükergin v. Turkey
Tarlak v. Turkey
Tsarknias v. Greece
Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea)
Union des Familles en Europe v. France
Van der Heijden v. Netherlands
Varlık v. Turkey
Vatan v. Russia
Vogt v. Germany
Wirth v. Austria
X. and Y. v. Austria
X. v. Austria
Yorgancigil v. Turkey
Young, James and Webster v. the United Kingdom
Zhdanov and Rainbow House v. Russia
Decision or Judgment
Freedom and Democracy Party (ÖZDEP) v. Turkey - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Parti de la Liberté et de la Démocratie (ÖZDEP) c. Turquie - Arrêt de Grande Chambre [French]
Pentidis and Others v. Greece - Chamber Judgment [English]
Sidiropoulos and Others v. Greece - Chamber Judgment [English]
Sigurdur A. Sigurjónsson c. Islande - Arrêt de Chambre [French]
Sigurdur A. Sigurjónsson v. Iceland - Chamber Judgment [English]
Young, James and Webster c. Royaume-Uni - Séance
plénière [French]
Refah Partisi (Parti de la prospérité) et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment [English]
Refah Partisi (Partie de la prospérité) et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de Grande Chambre [French]
Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli na Iehova" v. Bulgaria - Admissibility of Application [English]
X. and Y. v. Austria - Admissibility of Application [English]
Vogt v. Germany - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Vogt c. Allemagne - Arrêt de Grande Chambre [French]
Young, James and Webster v. the United Kingdom (Article 50) [English]
Young, James and Webster c. Royaume Uni (Article 50) [French]
Makhmudov v. Russia - Chamber Judgment [English]
Kimlya, Sultanoz, and the Church of Scientology of Niznekamsk v. Russia - Admissibility of Application [English]
Cârmuirea Spirituală a Musulmanilor din Republica Moldova v. Moldova [English]
Kimlya v. Russia - Chamber Judgment [English]
Alabay and Güzel v. Turkey - Admissibility Decision [English]
Şefika Köse and 93 Others v. Turkey - Admissibility Decision (Official English Translation) [English]
Association Solidarité des Français c. France - Décision sur la Recevabilité [French]
Şefika Köse et 93 autres c. Turquie - Décision sur la Recevabilité [French]
Skiba c. Pologne - Décision sur la Recevabilité [French]
97 members of the Gldani Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and 4 Others v. Georgia - Chamber Judgment [English]
97 membres de la Congrégation de Gldani des témoins de Jéhovah et 4 autres c. Géorgie - Décision sur la Recevabilité [French]
97 membres de la Congrégation de Gldani des témoins de Jéhovah et 4 autres c. Géorgie - Arrèt de chambre [French]
Christians against Racism and Fascism v. the United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision [English]
Alabay et al. c. Turquie - Décision sur la Recevabilité [French]
Maestri v. Italy - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Vatan (People's Democratic Party) v. Russia - Judgment (Preliminary Objections) [English]
Socialist Party and Others v. Turkey - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Stankov and the United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden v. Bulgaria - Chamber Judgment [English]
A.R.M. Chappell v. United Kindgom - Admissibility Decision [English]
A.R.M. Chappell c. Royaume-Uni - Décision sur la recevabilité (traduction) [French]
Van der Heijden v. the Netherlands - Admissibility Decision [English]
X. v. Austria - Admissibility Decision [English]
Kimlya v. Russia - Rule 81 Rectification and Final Judgment [English]
Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Lajda et autres c. Tchèque- Décision sur la recevabilité [French]
Alekseyev v. Russia - Chamber Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) [English]
HADEP and Demir v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) [English]
Herrmann v. Germany - Chamber Judgment [English]
Chrysostomos II v. Turkey - Admissibility Decision [English]
Boychev et Autres c. Bulgarie - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Siebenhaar c. Allegmange - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Siebenhaar v. Germany - Chamber Judgment (unofficial English translation) [English]
Young, James and Webster v. the United Kingdom - Plenary Judgment [English]
Grande Oriente d`Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani c. Italie (No. 2) c. Italie - Arrêt de chambre (au principal et satisfaction équitable) [French]
Öllinger v. Austria - Chamber Justice (Merits and Just Satisfaction) [English]
Öllinger c. Autriche - Arrêt de chambre (au principal et satisfaction équitable) [French]
Güzel c. Turquie (no 2) - Arrêt de chambre (au principal et satisfaction équitable) [French]
Güzel c. Turquie (no 2) - Décision finale sur la recevabilité [French]
Güzel c. Turquie (no 2) - Décision partielle sur la recevabilité [French]
Dicle pour le parti de la démocratie (DEP) c. Tuquie - Arrêt de chambre (Au principal et satisfaction équitable) [French]
Cisse v. France - Chamber Judgment (Merits) [English]
Cisse c. France - Arrêt de chambre (Au principal) [French]
Cisse c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité [French]
Cisse v. France - Admissibility Decision [English Translation] [English]
Sadak and Others v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) [English]
Sadak et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre (Au principal et satisfaction équitable) [French]
Sadak et autres c. Turquie - Décision sur la recevabilité [French]
Sindicatul « Păstorul cel Bun » c. Roumanie - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Sindicatul "Păstorul cel Bun" v. Romania - Chamber Judgment (Unofficial English Translation) [English]
Hizb Ut-Tahrir and Others v. Germany - Admissibility Decision [English]
Genderdoc-M v. Moldova - Chamber Judgment [English]
Herrmann v. Germany - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij v. Netherlands - Admissibility Decision [English]
Tarlak v. Turkey - Decision to Strike [English]
Redfearn v. United Kingdom - Chamber Judgment [English]
Sindicatul “Păstorul cel Bun” v. Romania - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Sindicatul « Păstorul cel Bun » c. Roumanie - Arrêt de Grande Chambre [French]
Brega şi Alţii c. Moldovei – Hotărâre (Romanian Translation by the P.A. Lawyers for Human Rights) [Romanian]
Brega and Others v. Moldova – Chamber Judgment [English]
Magyar Keresztény Mennonita Egyház and Others v. Hungary – Second Section Judgment (2014 - Merits) [English]
Krupko and Others v. Russia - First Section Judgment [English]
Wirth v. Austria - First Section Decision [English]
Arabadjiev et Stavrev c. la Bulgarie - Admissibility Decision [French]
Office Culturel de Cluny c. France - Admissibility Decision [French]
Ouranio Toxo and Others v. Greece - First Section Judgment [English]
Tanyar et Autres c. Turquie - Décision Partielle sur la Recevabilité [French]
Tanyar et Küçükergin c. Turquie - Second Section Judgment [French]
Özbek et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de la Deuxième Section [French]
Pendragon v. the United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision [English]
Stavropigijalen Manastir 'Sveti Jovan Zlatoust' and the Church of Real Orthodox Christians and Kiril Ivanovski v. Macedonia - Statement of Facts [English]
Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg and Others v. Russia - First Section Judgment [English]
Islam-Ittihad Association and Others v. Azerbaijan - First Section Judgment [English]
Dimitrova v. Bulgaria - Fourth Section Judgment [English]
Karaahmed v. Bulgaria – Fourth Section Judgment [English]
Association de solidarité avec les témoins de Jéhovah et autres c. Turquie – Arrêt de la Deuxième Section [French]
Magyar Keresztény Mennonita Egyház and Others v. Hungary – Fourth Section Partial Judgment (2016 - Just satisfaction) [English]
Belgiorno et autres c. Italie - Décision de la Deuxième Section [French]
Lashmankin and Others v. Russia - Third Section Judgment [English]
Genov c. Bulgarie - Arrêt de la Cinqième Section [French]
Union nationale turque et Kungyun c. Bulgarie - Arrêt de la Cinquième Section [French]
Belcacemi et Oussar c. Belgique - Arrêt de la Deuxième Section [French]
Perelman v. Germany - Fifth Section Admissibility Decision [English]
Asociaţia Mişcarea de Integrare Spirituală în Absolut v. Romania - Décision de recevabilité [French]
Ayşe Yüksel ve diğerleri / Türkiye davasında - [Turkish Translation] by the Turkish Ministry of Justice [Turkish]
Ayşe Yüksel et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de la deuxième section [French]
Mergen ve diğerleri / Türkiye davasında - [Turkish Translation] by the Turkish Ministry of Justice [Turkish]
Mergen et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de la deuxième section [French]
Identoba and Others v. Georgia - Fourth Section Judgment [English]
Identoba ve Diğerleri /Gürcistan - [Turkish Translation] summary by the Turkish Ministry of Justice [Turkish]
Идентоба и други (Identoba andOthers) против Грузија -[Macedonian Translation] summary by IRZ-Stiftung [Macedonian]
Identoba e altri c. Georgia - [Italian Translation] summary by Diritti d'Europa [Italian]
Identoba u.a. gg. Georgien - [German Translation] summary by the Austrian Institute for Human Rights (ÖIM) [German]
Identoba i drugi protiv Gruzije - [Croatian Translation] summary by the Republic of Croatia (Office of the Agent) [Croatian]
"İdentoba" (Identoba) və başqaları Gürcüstana qarşı - [Azerbaijani Translation] summary by EU/COE ‘Programmatic Cooperation Framework’ (PCF) [Azerbaijani]
Identoba dhe Të tjerë kundër Gjeorgjisë - [Albanian Translation] summary by IRZ-Stiftung [Albanian]
Lyublino Local Church of Evangelical Christians and Fedichkin v. Russia - Third Section Committee Decision [English]
Orthodox Ohrid Archdiocese (Greek-Orthodox Ohrid Archidioese of the Peć Patriarchy) v. "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - First Section Judgment [English]
Bektashi Community and Others v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - First Section Chamber Judgment [English]
Altınkaynak et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de la Deuxième Section [French]
Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea) - Grand Chamber Decision [English]
Ukraine c. Russie (re Crimée) - Grande Chambre Décision [French]
Statement of Facts/Questions to Parties
Siebenhaar c. Allemagne - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties [French]
Tarlak v. Turkey - Statement of Facts and Questions to Parties [English]
Nikolaos-Nikodimos Tsarknias c. Grèce - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties [French]
Kasymakhunov v. Russia - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
Krupko and Others v. Russia - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
İzgi c. Turquie - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties [French]
Halkın Demokrasi Partisi and Ahmet Turan Demir v. Turkey - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
Brega and Others v. Moldova - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
S.P. c. Roumanie - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties [French]
Altınkaynak et autres - Exposé des faits et Questions aux Parties [French]
S.P. contre la Roumanie - Exposé des faits [French]
S.P. v. Romania - Statement of Facts (unofficial English translation) [English]
Juma Mosque Congregation and Others v. Azerbaijan - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
Magyar Keresztény Mennonita Egyház and Jeremias Izsak-Bacs v Hungary and 8 other applications – Questions to Parties [English]
Yehova'nin Şahitlerini Destekleme Derneği et Autres c. Turquie - Second Section Statement of Facts [French]
Dimitrova v. Bulgaria - Statement of Facts [English]
Genov c. Bulgarie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Taganrog LRO and Others v. Russia and 21 other applications - Statement of Facts [English]
Zhdanov and Rainbow House v. Russia - Statement of Facts [English]
Bağ c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Gerçel c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Gülter c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Mergen c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Meriçli c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Varlık c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Yorgancigil c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Yüksel c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Union des Familles en Europe c. France [French]
Lashmankin v. Russia and 14 other applications [English]
Centralised Religious Organisation Centre of Krishna Consciousness Societies in Russia and Frolov v. Russia [English]
Bryansk and Tula Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Free Church v. Russia - Statement of Facts / Questions to the Parties [English]
Religious Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses v. Azerbaijan - Statement of Facts / Questions to the Parties [English]
Alekseyev and 50 other applications v. Russia - Statement of Facts / Questions to the Parties [English]
Milshteyn v. Russia - Statement of Facts / Questions to the Parties [English]
Belkacemi et Oussar c. Belgium - Exposé des fait et Question aux parties [French]
Ossewaarde v. Russia - Statement of Facts / Questions to the Parties [English]
Église Orthodoxe Indépendente et Zahariev c. Bulgarie - Question aux Parties [French]
Administrative Centre of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia and Kalin v. Russia - Statement of Facts / Questions to Parties [English]
Christian Religious Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the NKR v. Armenia - Statement of Facts / Questions to Parties [English]
Çoban v. Turkey - Statement of Facts / Questions to Parties [English]
Glazov LRO and others v. Russia - Questions to the Parties [English]
A.O. Falun Dafa and others v. Moldova - Case Communication [English]
Party or Third-Party Document
Observations écrites en tierce intervention, S.P. contre la Roumanie (ECLJ) [French]
Observations écrites en tierce observation - S.P. c. la Roumanie, ECLJ [French]
ECLJ comments on the ECHR, 3rd section, ruling of January 31, 2012, in the case Sindicatul Pastorul cel Bun v. Romania [English]
Commentaires de l’ECLJ sur l’arrêt CEDH, 3e Section, 31 janvier 2012, Sindicatul Păstorul cel bun c. Roumanie, no 2330/09 [French]
Court Press Release
Arrêt de chambre Membres de la congrégation des témoins de Jehovah de Gldani c. Géorgie - Communiqué du Greffier 03.05.07 [French]
Chamber judgment 97 members of Gldani Congregation v. Georgia - Press Release 03.05.2007 [English]
Arrêt de chambre Alekseyev c Russie 21 10 10 [French]
Chamber judgment Alekseyev v Russia 21 10 10 [English]
Chamber judgment HADEP and Demir v. Turkey 14.12.10 [English]
Chamber judgment Boychev and Others v. Bulgaria 27.01.2011 [English]
Chamber judgment Siebenhaar v. Germany 03.02.11 [English]
Arrêt de chambre Siebenhaar c. Allemagne 03.02.11 [French]
Chamber judgment Dicle on behalf of the DEP v. Turkey 10.12.02 [English]
Arrêt de chambre Dicle pour le DEP c. Turquie 10.12.02 [French]
Chamber judgment Sadak and Others v. Turkey 11.06.02 [English]
Arrêt de chambre Sadak et autres c. Turquie 11.06.02 [French]
Chamber judgment Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Macedonia 13.12.01 [English]
Refusal to register an Orthodox clergy trade union breached right to freedom of association - Court Press Release 31 January 2012 [English]
Decision on the admissibility Hizb Ut-Tahrir v. Germany [English]
Grand Chamber Judgment Herrmann v. Germany 26.06.2012 [English]
Grand Chamber judgment Mouvement Raëlien Suisse v. Switzerland 13.07.2012 [English]
Two cases referred to the Grand Chamber concerning refusal to register an Orthodox clergy trade union in Romania and life imprisonment in the United Kingdom - 19.07.2012 [English]
Grand Chamber hearing in the case Sindicatul ‘Pastorul cel Bun’ v. Romania [English]
Relinquishment in favour of the Grand Chamber S.A.S. v. France [English]
Refusal to register a trade union for priests on account of the autonomy of religious communities is not unreasonable 09.07.2013 [English]
Forthcoming hearings in November 2013 [English]
Judgments concerning Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey [English]
Religious communities’ loss of full church status breached their rights to freedom of religion and freedom of association [English]
Refusal to provide the Mersin and İzmir Jehovah’s Witnesses with an appropriate place of worship breached the right to freedom of freligion [English]
Judgment Lashmankin and Others v. Russia - authorities repeatedly undermined public protests (Russian version) [Russian]
Judgment Lashmankin and Others v. Russia - local authorities repeatedly undermined public protests [English]
Judgments and Decisions of 23 March 2017 (including Genov v. Bulgaria) [English]
Refusal of Bulgarian authorities to register an association promoting the rights of the Muslim minority was not “necessary in a democratic society” [English]
Judgment Belcacemi and Oussar v. Belgium - ban on wearing face covering in public areas (Law of 1 June 2011) [English]
Decision Perelman v. Germany - complaint concerning membership in religious community without consent [English]
Judgments Mergen a.o. v. Turkey and Ayse Yuksel a.o. v. Turkey - unlawful deprivation of liberty [English]
Judgment Stomakhin v. Russia - conviction for Chechnya newsletter articles not fully justified [English]
Complaints brought by Ukraine against Russia concerning a pattern of human rights violations in Crimea declared partly admissible [English]
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Sigurjonsson v. Iceland - Report of the Commission [English]
Sosyalist Parti et autres c. Turquie - Rapport de la Commission [French]
Vogt v. Germany - Report of the Commission [English]
Young, James and Webster v. the United Kingdom (Court Report) [English]
Lajda et autres c. la République tchèque - Exposé des faits et Questions aux Parties [French]
HADEP and Demir v. Turkey - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
Siebenhaar c. Allegmange - Exposé des faits et Questions aux Parties [French]
Orthodox Ohrid Archdiocese (Greek-Orthodox Ohrid Archidioese of the Pec Patriarchy) v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Legal Summary [Dutch]
Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea) (dec.) [GC] - 20958/14 - Legal Summary [English]
Pronouncement or Press Release
Socialist Party and Others v. Turkey - Resolution concerning the Judgment [English]
Case of Maestri v. Italy - Execution of Judgment [English]
Cases of Grande Oriente d’Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani and Grande Oriente d`Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani c. Italie (no 2) v. Italy - Resolution concerning the judgment [English]
Öllinger c. Autriche - Résolution sur le judgment 03.06.10 [French]
Öllinger v. Austria - Resolution concerning the judgment 03.06.10 [English]
Affaire Parti communiste unifié de Turquie et sept autres contre la Turquie - Résolution sur l'exécution des arrêts [French]
Case of United Communist Party of Turkey and Seven Other Cases against Turkey - Resolution concerning execution of the judgment [English]
Academic Essay
Patrick Macklem - Militant Democracy, Legal Pluralism, and the Paradox of Self-determination [English]
The Refah Case: Did Islam and Islamism Distract the ECHR from Appraising the Merits of the Case? [English]
The Question of Church Autonomy in Affaire Sindicatul Păstorul cel bun c. Roumanie - Roger Kiska, ADF [English]
Европейский суд по правам человека принял решение, игнорирующее канонические нормы Румынской Православной Церкви и противоречащее национальному законодательству Румынии о культах - Russian Orthodox Church [Russian]
Critica hotărârii CEDO cu privire la Sindicatul Pastorul cel bun impotriva Romaniei (nr. 2330/09) [Romanian]