Brega şi Alţii c. Moldovei – Hotărâre (Romanian Translation by the P.A. Lawyers for Human Rights)
Title:  Brega şi Alţii c. Moldovei – Hotărâre (Romanian Translation by the P.A. Lawyers for Human Rights)
Language:  Romanian
Issuing organization:  Council of Europe (COE)
Issuing body:  European Court of Human Rights
Other parties:  Ghenadie Brega, Anatolie Hristea-Stan, Gheorghe Lupusoru and Vasile Costiuc
Related countries:  Moldova
Topics:  Right to Liberty and Security, Freedom of Association / Assembly
Additional information:  Traducere neoficială a variantei engleze a hotărârii, efectuată de către asociaţia obştească „Juriştii pentru drepturile omului”