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Strasbourg Consortium
Freedom of Conscience and Religion at the European Court of Human Rights
Document Search
Church Tax
Darby v. Sweden
Gottesman v. Switzerland
Klein and Others v. Germany
Wasmuth v. Germany
Decision or Judgment
Gottesman v. Switzerland - Admissibility Decision
Wasmuth c. Allemagne - ArrĂȘt de chambre
Klein and Others v. Germany - Fifth Section Judgment
Darby v. Sweden - [Spanish Translation] summary by the Spanish Cortes Generales
Darby v. Sweden - [Russian Translation]
Darby c. Suede - ArrĂȘt de Chambre
Darby v. Sweden - Chamber Judgment
Statement of Facts/Questions to Parties
Klein, Nussbaum, Redeker, Gloeckner v. Germany - Statement of Facts / Questions to Parties
Court Press Release
Chamber judgment Wasmuth v. Germany 17.02.11
Judgment Klein and Others v. Germany - taxes and fees imposed by churches did not violate religious freedom
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Darby v. Sweden - Report of the Commission