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Strasbourg Consortium
Freedom of Conscience and Religion at the European Court of Human Rights
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Neutral and Generally Applicable Law
Aktas v. France
Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom
Bayrak v. France
Casimiro and Ferreira v. Luxembourg
Darby v. Sweden
Dogru v. France
Gamaleddyn v. France
Ghazal v. France
Jasvir Singh v. France
Kervanci v. France
Manoussakis and Others v. Greece
Otto-Preminger-Institut v. Austria
Ranjit Singh v. France
Skugar and Others v. Russia
The Sunday Times v. United Kingdom
Thlimmenos v. Greece
Tsavachidis v. Greece
Decision or Judgment
Manoussakis and Others v. Greece - Chamber Judgment
Manoussakis et autres c. Grèce - Arrêt de Chambre
Thlimmenos c. Grèce - Arrêt de Grande Chambre
Thlimmenos v. Greece - Grand Chamber Judgment
Tsavachidis c. Grèce - Arrêt de Grande Chambre
Tsavachidis v. Greece - Grand Chamber Judgment
Dogru v. France - Chamber Judgment
Kervanci c. France - Arrêt de chambre
Aktas c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité
Bayrak c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité
Gamaleddyn c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité
Ghazal c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité
Jasvir Singh c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité
Ranjit Singh c. France - Décision sur la recevabilité
Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision (16 May 1977)
Pat Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom - Decision of the Committee of Ministers (12 June 1979)
Sunday Times c. Royaume-Uni - Séance plénière
The Sunday Times v. the United Kingdom - Plenary Judgment
Casimiro et Ferreira c. Luxembourg - Décision sur la Recevabilité
Times Newspaper Ltd, The Sunday Times, Evans c. Royaume-Uni - Décision sur la Recevabilité
Times Newspaper Ltd, The Sunday Times, Evans v. the United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision
Sunday Times c. Royaume-Unit (Article 50) - Séance plénière
The Sunday Times v. the United Kingdom (Article 50) - Plenary Session
Skugar and Others v. Russia - Admissibility Decision
Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom - Judgment of the Commission (12 October 1978)
Otto-Preminger-Institut v. Austria – Chamber Judgment
Otto-Preminger-Institut c. Autriche – Arrêt de chambre
Otto-Preminger-Institut kundër Austrisë
Darby v. Sweden - [Spanish Translation] summary by the Spanish Cortes Generales
Darby v. Sweden - [Russian Translation]
Darby c. Suede - Arrêt de Chambre
Darby v. Sweden - Chamber Judgment
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Darby v. Sweden - Report of the Commission
Manoussakis c. Grèce - Rapport de la Commission
Otto-Preminger-Institut v. Austria - Report of the Commission
Thlimmenos v. Greece - Report of the Commission
Tsavachidis v. Greece - Report of the Commission
Times Newspapers Ltd. and others v. the United Kingdom - Report of the Commission
Pat Arrowsmith v. United Kingdom - Report of the Commission (12 October 1978)
Pronouncement or Press Release
Action of the Security Forces in Turkey - Progress Achieved and Outstanding Problems
Actions des forces de sécurité en Turquie - Progrès accomplis et problèmes en suspens
Other Legal Document
Manoussakis and others v. Greece - Resolution concerning the Judgment