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Strasbourg Consortium
Freedom of Conscience and Religion at the European Court of Human Rights
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Government Approvals
Barankevich v. Russia
Manoussakis and Others v. Greece
Metodiev and Others v. Bulgaria
Orthodox Ohrid Archidiocese v. Macedonia
Pavlides and Georgakis v. Turkey
Zhdanov and Rainbow House v. Russia
Decision or Judgment
Manoussakis and Others v. Greece - Chamber Judgment
Manoussakis et autres c. Grèce - Arrêt de Chambre
Barankevich v. Russia - Chamber Judgment
Pavlides and Georgakis v. Turkey - Fourth Section Decision
Statement of Facts/Questions to Parties
Metodiev et autres c. la Bulgarie - Exposé des Faits
Orthodox Ohrid Archidiocese v. Macedonia - Statement of Facts
Zhdanov and Rainbow House v. Russia - Statement of Facts
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Manoussakis c. Grèce - Rapport de la Commission
Other Legal Document
Manoussakis and others v. Greece - Resolution concerning the Judgment