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Strasbourg Consortium
Freedom of Conscience and Religion at the European Court of Human Rights
Document Search
A.S.R. v. Turkey
Bernard and Others v. Luxembourg
C. v. the United Kingdom
Féderation Chrétienne des Témoins de Jéhovah de France v. France
Grande Oriente d`Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani (No. 2) v. Italy
Identoba and Others v. Georgia
Igarashi and Others v. Russia
Igors Dmitrijevs v. Latvia
Institute of French Priests and Others v. Turkey
Janowiec and Others v. Russia
K.A. v. the United Kingdom
Karaahmed v. Bulgaria
Kustannus Oy Vapaa Ajattelija AB and Others v. Finland
Ligue des Musulmans de Suisse and Others v. Switzerland
Milanović v. Serbia
Muslim Board Startsevo v. Bulgaria
Ouardiri v. Switzerland
Scientololgy Kirche Deutschland e.V. v. Germany
Vatan v. Russia
Z.H. and R.H. v. Switzerland
Decision or Judgment
C. v. the United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision
Scientololgy Kirche Deutschland e.V. v. Germany - Admissibility Decision
Bernard and Others v. Luxembourg - Admissibility Decision
Kustannus Oy Vapaa Ajattelija AB and Others v. Finland - Admissibility Decision
Kustannus Oy Vapaa Ajattelija AB et autres c. Finlande - Décision sur la recevabilité
Vatan (People's Democratic Party) v. Russia - Judgment (Preliminary Objections)
Milanović v. Serbia - Chamber Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction)
Institut de Prêtres Français and others v. Turkey - Decision on the admissibility of the application
Grande Oriente d`Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani c. Italie (No. 2) c. Italie - Arrêt de chambre (au principal et satisfaction équitable)
Igors Dmitrijevs c. Lettonie - Arrêt de chambre (au principal et satisfaction équitable)
Ouardiri c. Suisse - Décision sur la recevabilité
Janowiec and Others v. Russia - Admissibility Decision
Christian Federation of Jehovah's Witnesses in France v. France - Admissibility Decision (53430/99) (English Translation)
Karaahmed v. Bulgaria – Fourth Section Judgment
Z.H. and R.H. v. Switzerland – Third Section Judgment
Milanović v. Serbia - [Armenian Translation] summary by Anahit Tamrazyan and the COE Human Rights Trust Fund
Milanović v. Serbia - [Serbian Translation] by the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Serbia
A.S.R. v. Turkey - Second Section Committee Admissibility Decision
Identoba and Others v. Georgia - Fourth Section Judgment
Identoba ve Diğerleri /Gürcistan - [Turkish Translation] summary by the Turkish Ministry of Justice
Идентоба и други (Identoba andOthers) против Грузија -[Macedonian Translation] summary by IRZ-Stiftung
Identoba e altri c. Georgia - [Italian Translation] summary by Diritti d'Europa
Identoba u.a. gg. Georgien - [German Translation] summary by the Austrian Institute for Human Rights (ÖIM)
Identoba i drugi protiv Gruzije - [Croatian Translation] summary by the Republic of Croatia (Office of the Agent)
"İdentoba" (Identoba) və başqaları Gürcüstana qarşı - [Azerbaijani Translation] summary by EU/COE ‘Programmatic Cooperation Framework’ (PCF)
Identoba dhe Të tjerë kundër Gjeorgjisë - [Albanian Translation] summary by IRZ-Stiftung
Statement of Facts/Questions to Parties
Igarashi and Others v. Russia - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties
Milanović v. Serbia - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties
Association "Ligue des musulmans de Suisse" et autres - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties
K.A. and Others v. the United Kingdom - Statement of Facts
Z.H. and R.H. v. Switzerland – Statement of Facts, Question to Parties
Muslim Board Startsevo v. Bulgaria - Statement of Facts / Questions to Parties
Court Press Release
Chamber judgment Igors Dmitrijevs v. Latvia 30.11.06
Arrêt de chambre Igors Dmitrijevs c. Lettonie 30.11.06
Décisions sur la recevabilité Ouardiri c. Suisse et Ligue des musulmans de Suisse et autres c. Suisse 08.07.2011
Zulässigkeit Entscheidungen Ouardiri and Ligue des Musulmans de Suisse g. die Schweiz 08.07.2011
Decisions on admissibility Ouardiri v. Switzerland and Ligue des Musulmans de Suisse and Others v. Switzerland 08.07.2011
Judgment Z.H. and R.H. v. Switzerland - refusal to recognise religious marriage of a 14-year old girl was justified
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Case of the Institute of French Priests and Others - Notice of Judgment
Milanović c. Serbie - Note d’information sur la jurisprudence de la Cour No 136
Milanovic v. Serbia – Information Note on the Court’s case-law No. 136
Pronouncement or Press Release
Cases of Grande Oriente d’Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani and Grande Oriente d`Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani c. Italie (no 2) v. Italy - Resolution concerning the judgment