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Strasbourg Consortium
Freedom of Conscience and Religion at the European Court of Human Rights
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Political Expression
A. and Family v. Sweden
Ahmet Sadik v. Greece
Alekhina and Others v. Russia
Ashirov and International Memorial v. Russia
Ayse Yüksel and Others v. Turkey
Babajanov v. Turkey
Bağ v. Turkey
Barford v. Denmark
Castells v. Spain
Christians against Racism and Fascism v. the United Kingdom
Cumhuriyet Vakfı and Others v. Turkey
Dělnická Strana and Vandas v. the Czech Republic
Erbakan v. Turkey
Erdoğan v. Turkey
Eygi v. Turkey
Ezelin v. France
Féret v. Belgium
Gerçel v. Turkey
Grigore v. Romania
Güler and Uğur v. Turkey
Gülter v. Turkey
Gündüz v. Turkey
Herri Batasuna and Batasuna v. Spain
Ilicak v. Turkey
Jersild v. Denmark
Kar and Others v. Turkey
Karaahmed v. Bulgaria
Karatepe v. Turkey
Kavakçı v. Turkey
Khodzhamberdiyev v. Russia
Kutlular v. Turkey
Medya FM Reha Radyo ve Đletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. v. Turkey
Mergen and Others v. Turkey
Meriçli v. Turkey
Observer and Guardian v. the United Kingdom
Ouranio Toxo and Others v. Greece
Plattform "Ärtze für das Leben" v. Austria
Putintsev v. Russia
R.H. and M.E. v. Sweden
Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey
Samadov v. Azerbaijan
Seyidzade v. Azerbaijan
Silay v. Turkey
Sobaci v. Turkey
Tsarknias v. Greece
Varlık v. Turkey
Vogt v. Germany
Yazar and Others, for the People's Labour Party v. Turkey
Yorgancigil v. Turkey
Zarakolu v. Turkey
Decision or Judgment
Ahmet Sadik v. Greece - Chamber Judgment
Refah Partisi (Parti de la prospérité) et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Ahmet Sadik c. Grèce - Arrêt de Chambre
Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment
Refah Partisi (Partie de la prospérité) et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de Grande Chambre
Hazar, Hazar, Acik v. Turkey - Report of the Commission
Barfod v. Denmark - Chamber Judgment
Barfod c. Danemark - Arrêt de chambre
Castells v. Spain - Chamber Judgment
Castells c. Espagne - Arrêt de Chambre
Ezelin v. France - Chamber Judgment
Ezelin c. France - Arrêt de Chambre
Jersild v. Denmark - Grand Chamber Judgment
Jersild c. Danemark - Arrêt de Grande Chambre
Observer and Guardian v. the United Kingdom - Plenary Judgment
Observer et Guardian c. Royaume-Uni - Séance plénière
Vogt v. Germany - Grand Chamber Judgment
Vogt c. Allemagne - Arrêt de Grande Chambre
Yazar and Others for the People's Labour Party v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment
Yazar et autres, pour le Parti du travail du peuple c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Plattform "Ärtze für das Leben" v. Austria - Chamber Judgment
Plattform "Ärzte für das Leben" c. Autriche - Arrêt de Chambre
Plattform "Ärtze für das Leben" v. Austria - Admissibility Decision/Décision sur la Recevabilité
Féret c. Belgique - Arrêt de chambre
Féret v. Belgium - Chamber Judgment (Unofficial English Translation)
Erbakan c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Gündüz v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment
Herri Batasuna et Batasuna c. Espagne - Arrêt de Chambre
Ilicak c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Kar and Others v. Turkey - Chamber Judgment
Karatepe c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Kavakçı c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Silay c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Gündüz c. Turquie - Arrêt de chambre
Christians against Racism and Fascism v. the United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision
Tsonev v. Bulgaria - Chamber Judgment
Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey - Grand Chamber Judgment
R.H. and M.E. v. Sweden - Admissibility Decision
Grigore c. Roumaie - Third Section Decision
Khodzhamberdiyev v. Russia - First Section Judgment
Kutlular c. Turquie - Fourth Section Judgment
Medya FM Reha Radyo ve Đletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. c. Turquie - Décision sur la recevabilité
Seyidzade v. Azerbaijan - First Section Judgment
Tsarknias v. Greece - Admissibility Decision
Cumhuriyet Vakfı and Others v. Turkey - Second Section Judgment
Ouranio Toxo and Others v. Greece - First Section Judgment
Erdoğan c. la Turquie - Partial Admissibility Decision
Erdoğan c. Turquie - Final Decision
Sobaci c. Turquie - Third Section Judgment
Güler et Uğur c. Turquie- Arrêt de deuxième section
A. and Family v. Sweden - Admissibility Decision
Zarakolu v. Turkey - Third Section Partial Decision
Eygi c. Turquie - Radiation du rôle
Ayşe Yüksel ve diğerleri / Türkiye davasında - [Turkish Translation] by the Turkish Ministry of Justice
Ayşe Yüksel et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de la deuxième section
Mergen ve diğerleri / Türkiye davasında - [Turkish Translation] by the Turkish Ministry of Justice
Mergen et autres c. Turquie - Arrêt de la deuxième section
Mariya Alekhina and Others v. Russia - Third Section Chamber Judgment
Statement of Facts/Questions to Parties
Eygi v. Turkey - Statement of Facts
Karaahmed v. Bulgaria - Statement of Facts
Ashirov and International Memorial v. Russia - Statement of Facts
Dělnická Strana and Vandas v. the Czech Republic - Statement of Facts
Babajanov v. Turkey - Statement of Facts
Putintsev v. Russia - Statement of Facts
Alekhina and Others v. Russia - Statement of Facts / Questions to the Parties
Samadov v. Azerbaijan - Statement of Facts
Bağ c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Gerçel c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Gülter c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Mergen c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Meriçli c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Varlık c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Yorgancigil c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Yüksel c. Turquie - Exposé des Faits
Court Press Release
Judgments Mergen a.o. v. Turkey and Ayse Yuksel a.o. v. Turkey - unlawful deprivation of liberty
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Ahmet Sadik v. Greece - Report of the Commission
Barfod v. Denmark - Report of the Commission
Jersild v. Denmark - Report of the Commission
Observer and Guardian v. the United Kingdom - Report of the Commission
Platform "Ärzte für das Leben" v. Austria - Report of the Commission
Vogt v. Germany - Report of the Commission
Yazar et autres, pour le Parti du travail du peuple c. Turquie - Rapport de la Commission
Academic Essay
Patrick Macklem - Militant Democracy, Legal Pluralism, and the Paradox of Self-determination
The Refah Case: Did Islam and Islamism Distract the ECHR from Appraising the Merits of the Case?
Refah Revisited: Strasbourg's Construction of Islam