Autonomy of Religious Organizations
Agga v. Greece (No. 2)
Agga v. Greece (No. 3)
Agga v. Greece (No. 4)
Ahtinen v. Finland
Baudler v. Germany
Biserica Adevărat Ortodoxă din Moldova and Others v. Moldova
Church of X. v. the United Kingdom
Dudová and Duda v. Czech Republic
Fernández Martínez v. Spain
Finska församlingen i Stockholm and Hautaniemi v. Sweden
Genderdoc-M v. Moldova
Hasan and Chaush v. Bulgaria
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Others v. Bulgaria
Islamische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V. v. Germany
Johannische Kirche and Peters v. Germany
Kàroly Nagy v. Hungary
Kustannus Oy Vapaa Ajattelija AB and Others v. Finland
Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Moldova
Miroļubovs and Others v. Latvia
Müller v. Switzerland
Obst v. Germany
Pantusheva and Others v. Bulgaria
Perry v. Latvia
Reuter v. Germany
Rommelfanger v. Federal Republic of Germany
Schüth v. Germany
Serif v. Greece
Sindicatul "Păstorul cel Bun" v. Romania
Sotirov and Others v. Bulgaria
Supreme Holy Council of the Muslim Community v. Bulgaria
Svyato-Mykhaylivska Parafiya v. Ukraine
Tothpal v. Romania
Decision or Judgment
Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Moldova - Chamber Judgment [English]
Church of Scientology and Another v. Sweden - Admissibility of Application [English]
Glavno Myuftiistvo (Chief Mufti Office) and Others v. Bulgaria - Admissibility of Application [English]
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Others v. Bulgaria - Admissibility Decision [English]
Svyato-Mykhaylivska Parafiya v. Ukraine - Chamber Judgment (Final) [English]
Biserica Adevărat Ortodoxă din Moldova and Others v. Moldova - Chamber Judgment [English]
Perry c. Lettonie - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Johannische Kirche and Horst Peters v. Germany - Admissibility Decision [English]
Johannische Kirche et Horst Peters c. Allemagne - Décision sur la Recevabilité [French]
Serif v. Greece - Chamber Judgment [English]
Agga v. Greece (No. 2) - Chamber Judgment [English]
Miroļubovs et autres c. Lettonie - Arrêt de Chambre [French]
Supreme Holy Council of the Muslim Community v. Bulgaria - Chamber Judgment [English]
Church of X. v. the United Kingdom - Admissibility Decision [English]
Islamische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V. v. Germany - Admissibility Decision (Translation) [English]
Islamische Religionsgemeinschaft e. V. c. Allegmagne - Décision sur la recevabilité [French]
Kustannus Oy Vapaa Ajattelija AB and Others v. Finland - Admissibility Decision [English]
Kustannus Oy Vapaa Ajattelija AB et autres c. Finlande - Décision sur la recevabilité [French]
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Metropolitan Inokentiy) and Others v. Bulgaria (Merits) [English]
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Metropolitan Inokentiy) and Others v. Bulgaria (Just Satisfaction) [English]
Obst c. Allemagne - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Schüth v. Allemagne - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Obst v. Germany - Chamber Judgment (Informal Google Translation, not an official Court document) [English]
Rechtssache O. ./. Deutschland - Anonymisierte nichtamtliche Übersetzung aus dem Französischen [German]
Rechtssache S. ./. Deutschland (Anonymisierte nichtamtliche Übersetzung aus dem Französischen) [German]
Hasan et Tchaouch c. Bulgarie - Arrêt de Grande Chambre (Au principal et satisfaction équitable) [French]
Hasan and Chaush v. Bulgaria - Grand Chamber Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) [English]
Agga v. Greece (No. 4) - Chamber Judgment [English]
Agga v. Greece (N° 3) - Chamber Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) [English]
Agga v. Greece No. 2 - Partial Admissisbility Decision [English]
Agga v. Greece (N° 3) - Admissibility Decison [English]
Agga v. Greece (No. 4) - Admissibilitiy Decision [English]
Ahtinen v. Finland - Chamber Judgment [English]
Chamber judgment Supreme Holy Council of the Muslim Community v. Bulgaria 16.12.2004 [English]
Dudová et Duda c. la Républic Tchèque - Décision sur la recevabilité.doc [French]
Rommelfanger v. Federal Republic of Germany - Admissibility Decision [French]
Pantusheva and Others v. Bulgaria – Admissibility Decision [English]
Sotirov and Others v. Bulgaria - Admissibility Decision [English]
Sindicatul « Păstorul cel Bun » c. Roumanie - Arrêt de chambre [French]
Sindicatul "Păstorul cel Bun" v. Romania - Chamber Judgment (Unofficial English Translation) [English]
Fernández Martínez c. Espagne - Arrêt de chambre (troisième section) [French]
Genderdoc-M v. Moldova - Chamber Judgment [English]
Sindicatul “Păstorul cel Bun” v. Romania - Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Sindicatul « Păstorul cel Bun » c. Roumanie - Arrêt de Grande Chambre [French]
Fernández Martínez v. Spain – Grand Chamber Judgment [English]
Reuter c. l'Allemagne - Fifth Section Decision [French]
Finska församlingen i Stockholm and Hautaniemi v. Sweden - Admissibility Decision [English]
Schüth v. Germany - Chamber Judgment [English]
Шют против Германии [Schüth v. Germany] - [Russian Translation] summary by the COE-ECHR [Russian]
Rechtssache S. gegen Deutschland - [German Translation] by the German Federal Ministry of Justice [German]
Schüth/Almanya - [Turkish Translation] summary by the COE Human Rights Trust Fund [Turkish]
Шют проти Німеччини - [Ukrainian Translation] summary by the COE Human Rights Trust Fund [Ukrainian]
Schüth c. Allemagne - Arrêt (satisfaction équitable) (28 juin 2012) [French]
Rechtssache S. ./. Deutschland - Urteil (gerechte Entschädigung) (28. Juni 2012) [German]
Károly Nagy v. Hungary - Grand Chamber Decision [English]
Károly Nagy c. Hongrie - Arrêt de la Grande Chambre [French]
Tothpal et Szabo c. Roumanie - Arrêt de la quatrième section (comité) [French]
Statement of Facts/Questions to Parties
Baudler c. Allemagne - Exposé des Faits et Questions aux parties [French]
Obst c. Allemagne - Exposé des Faits et Questions aux Parties (Case Communicated to Germany) [French]
Pantusheva and Others v. Bulgaria (32 Applications) - Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties [English]
Fernández Martínez c. Espagne - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties [French]
S.P. c. Roumanie - Exposé des faits et Questions aux parties [French]
S.P. contre la Roumanie - Exposé des faits [French]
S.P. v. Romania - Statement of Facts (unofficial English translation) [English]
Tothpal c. Roumanie - Exposé des Faits [French]
Party or Third-Party Document
Obst v. Germany - Third-Party Intervention, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Robbers on behalf of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [English]
Observations écrites en tierce intervention, S.P. contre la Roumanie (ECLJ) [French]
Observations écrites en tierce observation - S.P. c. la Roumanie, ECLJ [French]
ECLJ comments on the ECHR, 3rd section, ruling of January 31, 2012, in the case Sindicatul Pastorul cel Bun v. Romania [English]
Commentaires de l’ECLJ sur l’arrêt CEDH, 3e Section, 31 janvier 2012, Sindicatul Păstorul cel bun c. Roumanie, no 2330/09 [French]
Observations en tierce intervention soumises dans l'affaire Fernández Martínez c. Espagne [French]
Observaciones escritas en intervención a terceros presentadas en el caso José Antonio Fernández Martínez contra España [Spanish]
Case of Sindicatul "Păstorul cel Bun" v. Romania – Written Comments of Third-Party Interveners the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies [English]
Written Comments of Third-Party Interveners Chair for Law and Religions of the Université Catholique de Louvain and the American Religious Freedom Program of the Ethics and Public Policy Center [English]
Court Press Release
Kammerurteile Obst und Schüth gegen Deutschland 23 09 10 [German]
Chamber judgments Obst and Schüth v. Germany 23 09 10 [English]
Arrêts de chambre Obst et Schüth c. Allemagne 23 09 10 [French]
Chamber judgments Obst and Schüth v. Germany (German version) 23 09 10 [German]
Arrêts de chambre Obst et Schüth c. Allemagne 23 09 10 [French]
Chamber judgments Obst and Schüth v. Germany 23 09 10 [English]
Chamber judgments Agga v. Greece 13.07.06 [English]
Chamber Judgment Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Metropolitan Inokentiy) v. Bulgaria [English]
Chamber hearing Fernández Martínez v. Spain 22.11.11 [English]
Refusal to register an Orthodox clergy trade union breached right to freedom of association - Court Press Release 31 January 2012 [English]
Chamber Judgment Fernández Martínez v. Spain 15.05.2012 : Bishop’s decision not to renew the teaching contract of a
married priest supporting the Movement for Optional Celibacy was covered by religious freedom under the Convention [English]
Arrêt de chambre Fernández Martínez c. Espagne 15.05.2012 : Le choix de l’épiscopat ne pas renouveler le contrat d’un enseignant prêtre marié et militant du Mouvement Pro-célibat optionnel relève du principe de la liberté religieuse, protégée par la Conve [French]
Two cases referred to the Grand Chamber concerning refusal to register an Orthodox clergy trade union in Romania and life imprisonment in the United Kingdom - 19.07.2012 [English]
Grand Chamber hearing in the case Sindicatul ‘Pastorul cel Bun’ v. Romania [English]
Refusal to register a trade union for priests on account of the autonomy of religious communities is not unreasonable 09.07.2013 [English]
Grand Chamber Judgment Fernández Martínez v. Spain 12.06.2014: The decision not to renew the contract, as religious education teacher, of a married Catholic priest was legitimate and proportionate [English]
Conviction of two dismissed ministers who had continued exercising their pastoral duties is in breach of freedom of religion [English]
Other Court or Tribunal Document
Hasan and Chaush v. Bulgaria - Report of the Commission [English]
Müller c. Suisse - Rapport de la Commission [French]
Obst gegen Deutschland - Beschwerde (Obst v. Germany - Original Application to the Court) [German]
Resolution ResDH(2005)88 concerning judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the conviction of Muslim leaders in violation of their freedom of religion [English]
Fernandez Martinez v. Spain - Legal Summary, Section 3 Judgment [English]
Resolution, Act, or Declaration
The autonomy of churches and religious communities [English]
Chapter of Book or Treatise
01. Edward M. Andries, Religious and Philosophical Norms in Constitutions of Germany and the United States, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
02. Michael Ariens, Defining "Church" in American Law, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
03. Sophie C. van Bijsterveld, Religious Liberty and Church Autonomy in the Netherlands, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
04. Axel Freiherr von Campenhausen, Church Autonomy in Germany, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
05. James Casey, Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Ireland: Preliminary Report, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
06. Mark E. Chopko, Constitutional Protection for Church Autonomy: A Practitioner's View, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
07. Perry Dane, The Varieties of Religious Autonomy, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
08. Carl H. Esbeck, The American System of Church-State Relations (and its Bearing on Church Autonomy), in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
09. Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Jr., Religious Autonomy and the Exemption of Religious Organizations from Federal Taxation in the United States, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
10. Frederick Mark Gedicks, Towards an LDS Understanding of Church Autonomy, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
11. Mark Hill, Church Autonomy in the United Kingdom, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
12. Merilin Kiviorg, Church Autonomy in Estonia, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
13. Kurt T. Lash, Five Models of Church Autonomy: An Historical Look at Religious Liberty under the United States Constitution, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
14. Gianni Long, Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Italy, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
15. Javier Martínez-Torrón, Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Spain, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
16. Piotr Mazurkiewicz, Autonomy of the Church and Freedom of Religion in Poland, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
17. Roland Minnerath, Church Autonomy in Europe, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
18. Viggo Mortensen, Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Denmark, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
19. Craig B. Mousin, State Constitution within the United State and the Autonomy of Religious Institutions, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
20. Charalambos K. Papastathis, Religious Self-Administration in the Hellenic Republic, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
21. Alexis Pauly, State and Church in Luxembourg, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
22. Ingvill Thorson Plesner, State Church and Church Autonomy in Norway, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
23. Roman Podoprigora, Church Autonomy in Kazakhstan, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
24. Almudena Rodriguez Moya, Caritas in Spain: Its Evolution and Volunteers, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
25. Peter Roudik, Church Autonomy in the Russian Federation, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
26. Gregor A. Rutz, Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Switzerland, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
27. Balázs Schanda, Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty - National Report on Hungary, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
28. Brigitte Schinkele, Church Autonomy in Austria, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
29. Jose de Sousa e Brito, Project of Law on Religious Freedom, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
30. Rik Torfs, Church Autonomy in Belgium, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
31. Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Church Autonomy in the Czech Republic, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
32. Johan D. van der Vyver, Sphere Sovereignty of Religious Institutions: A Contemporary Calvinistic Theory of Church-State Relations, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
33. [Appendix] W. Cole Durham, Jr., The Right to Autonomy in Religious Affairs: A Comparative View, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective, Gerhard Robbers, ed. [English]
33a. W. Cole Durham, Jr., The Right to Autonomy in Religious Affairs: A Comparative View (Appendix), in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Survey, Robbers, ed. [English]
00. Table of Contents - Gerhard Robbers, Church Autonomy: A Comparative Perspective [English]
News Article, Press Release, or Newsletter
El "principio de autonomía" de la Iglesia Católica ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos - Grégor Puppinck [Spanish]
Cour européenne : Une belle victoire pour la liberté de l’Eglise - Grégor Puppinck [French]
European Court of Human Rights: a significant victory for the freedom of the Church - Grégor Puppinck [English]
CEDH Fernández Martínez - Sintesis de las observaciones del ECLJ - Nov 2011 [Spanish]
Analysis of Sindicatul 'Păstorul cel Bun' v. Romania - Eric Rassbach & Diana Verm, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty [English]
The Question of Church Autonomy in Affaire Sindicatul Păstorul cel bun c. Roumanie - Roger Kiska, ADF [English]
Европейский суд по правам человека принял решение, игнорирующее канонические нормы Румынской Православной Церкви и противоречащее национальному законодательству Румынии о культах - Russian Orthodox Church [Russian]
Critica hotărârii CEDO cu privire la Sindicatul Pastorul cel bun impotriva Romaniei (nr. 2330/09) [Romanian]
European Court Issues Rulings in Two German Church Employment Cases [English]